Street Figther Zero 2 Character Quotes

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"You fought well. I was honored."
"I look forward to our next battle."
"What's wrong? Why do you hold back?"
"Now I'll find a better challenge!"

"Is that the best you can do?"
"I am Muay Thai master. You are sucking gravel."
"My legend starts now!"
"Don't worry, it's all over."

"I don't have time for amateurs!"
"I expected better."
"If you're going to fight, fight for real."
"You don't have the skill to beat me."

"Now you see the difference between us!"
"Next time I won't be so easy on you!"
"You're better than you look. Try harder."
"Don't tell me you're actually unconscious."

"Meditate on your loss. Someday our paths will cross again."
"Action brings reaction. Your fate has followed you."
"I'm your master. Pain is a state of mind and I don't mind your pain."
"Don't cry, I'll let you live."

"I live for death...yours!"
"Ancient words of wisdom...'you suck'."
"You fight, you lose, you die!"
"Someday you'll have enough courage to face me again."

"Now you know, justice always prevail!"
"Victory is mine. Get up loser, so I can smack you again!"
"Wow, that was cool, do it again!"
"Do you have time for another beating before my next class?"

"Get real! Skill and strength determine the winner!"
"Fear prevents learning and you've failed."
"It's okay, perfection is not for everyone."
"Let's fight again, so I can stick it to you!"

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